More reasons to become a member
Active Online is a family business providing full support to our customers in an industry where the trend is reducing support and limited contact. Many of our competitors don’t take calls or answer emails but are quick to put you on the junk mail pipeline when they get your details. With us we take phone calls, guide you through options for your project, answer emails often late in the evening, and don’t spam you when we have your details.
A number of our suppliers have asked that their product prices not be displayed online. This is an attempt to remove the “tick and flick” resellers that drive margins to the bottom mainly because they offer very little information or support. These sellers rely on sites like ours to do the presales and then take the sale based on their low margin. We don’t blame customers for saving some money when they can but it does bring a wry smile when they then come to us for support. Typically we answer a call and they say they have our product and they want some advice or support. A quick look through the system and it becomes clear they purchased elsewhere, no support available, they can’t contact the seller, the seller went out of business etc. Support (even incoming calls on our 1300 number) has a cost. Presales has a cost. When all the work is done but the customer goes elsewhere it can be disheartening. If the customer then comes back after purchasing elsewhere expecting help “because we were so helpful before” while we are happy for the compliment it is a difficult situation that could be avoided by being appreciative of the support supplied before the sale.
Akuvox is the latest manufacturer requesting prices not be displayed on their products. We have removed pricing for Akuvox for non-members from our site. If you want to see pricing you will need to register as a member and I promise we will not spam you once you have joined. It is well worth it as our pricing is good and we are happy to answer questions and help you design a suitable system for your home, business, or apartment building.
We also have a no-cable solution for projects where cabling is a problem and have some happy customers of that solution. We have extensive experience with these systems and the savings in labour and materials are definately worth it.
Please register for better pricing and service, no spam! and a personal service second to none.